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About "K"

She's smart, she's beautiful. She didn't write her own mini-biography section. I wrote it for her (and she wrote mine). It's a fun couple exercise we just invented. "Describe your partner to the world..."


K is scrappy, from upstate New York. Left-handed, she was born at a disadvantage... Born towards the middle of a relatively large batch of siblings, K enjoys yard work and cold beer. She is TALENTED. International business degree, M.B.A., crafty (except sewing), badminton champion, lacrosse champion, accomplished tri-athlete, aspiring cook, self-taught pianist...


K believes in living healthy, but not so healthy you pass on pizza night or a good vanilla cream ale. She is truly passionate about two things: running shoes and special needs rescue animals. Occassionally, she makes time for J's shenanigans. 

About "J"

J is kind. J is smart. J is important.


J had the advantage of creating this page and writing K's biography first. Which means all the good material has been used and I have to make stuff up to seem witty and original...


J comes from an interesting blend of strong military and Japanese roots (I'm not kidding - he really is Japanese!). He grew up in various southern cities and believes the words "golly" and "daggum" should be used in everyday conversation. A West Point graduate, J has worked extremely hard for the past 10 years as an Infantry Officer, which has resulted in his current (well-deserved) assignment as an Olmsted Scholar!


J is a talented writer, poet, dancer, home designer, and cat dad. His favorite carb is craft beer. He's never left IKEA or Home Depot empty-handed and he is the "social life" to our "vegan". When he isn't running, J enjoys watching Crossfit videos and home improvement projects on YouTube. Because sometimes, just watching the videos makes you an expert ;)

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